Example of recording the stray currents in the locality of Nádraží Libeň. The red line corresponds to the measurement of the electric potential difference in the direction perpendicular to the railway track. The blue line shows the measurement in a direction parallel to the track.

Basic corrosion survey:
Movement of the hall and facility of the integrated office of the Railways authority

Projekt servis spol. s r.o.


Goals of the project:
Based on the designer's request, a basic corrosion survey was carried out in the area of the Libeň railway station. The measurement was carried out at the site of the planned abolition of old railway buildings, which will be replaced with new ones. Corrosion research aims in particular to detect the possible presence of stray (parasitic) currents. Such currents escape from poorly protected current sources (such as electrified rail transport) and can damage metal elements in buildings.