Measuring the radionuclides content

Radiometry deals with the measurement of the content of radionuclides in the studied environment, respectively the radiation that radionuclides emit. Instruments for measuring total activity (alpha, beta, gamma) are used for the approximate assessment of the occurrence of radiation sources.

For a detailed description, spectrometric methods are used, which allow the direct detection of individual radionuclides and their amount. There are a number of radiometric methods, measurements can be carried out on the earth’s surface, on rock samples, soil air or water. You can measure on foot, from the car or from the plane.

Geological mapping

Radiometry is used in geological mapping, where, for example, it helps us to distinguish individual generations of granites in granite plutons or deep tectonic faults due to the increased content of radionuclides in the soil air. The method can also be used in environmental protection (e.g. detection of contamination in the vicinity of old uranium plants) or in construction (e.g. control of raw materials for building materials).

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