Picture of an automated geophysical monitoring system at the Bedřichov gallery

Monitoring of the granite massif behavior:
Bedřichov gallery in the Jizera Mountains

Radioactive Waste Repository Authority

2004 - 2016

Goals of the project:
Monitoring of geoelectric, seismic and magnetic properties of granite massif. Part of the work was also monitoring parasitic (stray) currents. The main goal of the work was to find out whether there are changes in geophysical properties over time and what are the parameters and causes of these changes. The acquired knowledge is used mainly for the preparation of the construction of a deep repository for radioactive waste. Currently, similar research continues at the Bukov Underground Research Facility (formerly the Rožná active uranium mine). For works of this kind, G IMPULS Prague owns a Certified Methodology developed within the research task for the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.